
  • Ultra Thin Skin Base...

    Our Ultra Skin Base is our most popular Hair Replacement system, the thinnest Skin Base.
    It has a thickness of just 0.03mm, transparent, light, comfortable, natural, and undetectable.
    The knotless V-looped hair together with the thinness of the skin will create the illusion of hair growing directly out of the scalp.

  • Super Thin Skin Base...

    Our Super-Thin Skin Base has a thickness of 0.06mm.
    The advantage of Super Thin Skin Base over Ultra-Thin Skin Base is that it will last longer, around three months because the Super-Thin Skin Base is thicker and more durable.
    Whilst being thicker than our 0.03mm Ultra-Thin Skin Base, it is still exceptionally light, natural, and more durable.

  • Super Thin Skin Base...

    Our Super-Thin Skin Base Men's Toupee is made from a transparent Super Thin Skin Base of 0.08mm.
    It is very natural and undetectable.
    Whilst being thicker than our 0.06mm Super-Thin Skin Base,
    the 0.08mm is still exceptionally light, natural, and more durable.

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